Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This Year is My Year

I think a lot of people will agree that everyone lives their lives selfishly.  From the moment we are born to each and everyday we wake up, our thoughts and acts are self-centered.  I'm not saying this is a bad thing; it's just an observation.

Yet, there are moments in our lives where we get swept away from ourselves, whether that's making your parents happy, or your spouse, or even something bigger than all of it-- something I can't quite put my finger on.  This past year has been utterly insane.  It started out quite good, then took a tumble for the worse.  In the 22 years I've spent on this planet, I've seen my highs and lows, but this was definitely a different kind of experience.  In that time, I really have stopped focusing on me.  Focusing on me in the kind of way that takes pride in my appearance, and my relationships with others, and my own happiness.  2014 is a New Year, and as cliche as it sounds, and though I hate to be cliche, I am going to turn things around.  Bring them back to the way they were.  So that's it.  That's my resolution.  However vague it may be, all it is a physical reminder that you deserve better.  Don't do it for the parents, or the potential boyfriend, do it for you.  Your life is yours, and yours alone.  I want to make every day of every year something I can take pride in.

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