Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Review of the Sigma F15: An Alternative to the MAC 159

While I was home in Minnesota over the Holidays, I wanted to do a big of splurging on myself.  After months of purchasing gifts for others, I thought it was time for a bit of a treat yourself moment for myself.  Going shopping in Minnesota is also a treat for me because: A) they have no sales tax on clothing and shoes! B) I like clothing and shoes.  On the other hand the general sales tax rate is higher in Minnesota than Maryland, so I try to stick with things I can only get in MN whilst shopping.

Minnesota happens to be the only state blessed with a Sigma Store.  Until a few months ago, I hadn't purchased any Sigma brushes, but was always interested in their low cost options for dupes of MAC brushes.  For years the only brushes I owned were some Ecotools and a brush set my mom got for me my freshmen year of high school from Costco.  Needless to say it was time for an upgrade.

Whilst browsing the internet one day I ran across the MAC 159 brush.  A slightly flat duo fibre brush that looked absolutely divine for applying those ultra pigmented blushes and very glowly highlighters.  It's a rather unique brush that was released with the Tropical Taboo collection last summer.  I went back and forth on purchasing, but ultimately decided against the $35 price tag.

The Sigma F15 brush, similar to the MAC 159.

There are a few similar brushes to the 159, one being the Hakuhodo G544, which has slightly longer duo fibres and a fluffy look, the other being the Sigma F15, which looks the most similar.  So, I made it my mission to pick up the F15 while I was at home from the Sigma store.

This brush runs a pretty $23, which is a $12 savings from the MAC version but still one of Sigma's more expensive brushes.  Their eye brushes are only $12 each, while the infamous F80 is $21.  I was so in love with the idea of this brush I had to get it.

The F15 is smaller and flatter than most blush brushes.

As you can see the F15 is smaller than the traditional blush brush, especially when compared to something like the Real Technique blush brush.  It is also considerably flatter and more dense, but the duo fibers fan out to be nice and fluffy at the ends, making it ideal for ultra pigmented blushes. Naturally I had to put this brush to the test with my Nars Exhibit A blush.  This blush does not get enough love from me, mostly because it's finicky to work with on my place NC15 skin.  It is probably better suited for darker skin tones, but I like to break the rules, whatever.

Exhibit A applied with the F15.
The thing about Exhibit A blush is you literally tap the brush in the product ever so slightly and BAM! on your face.  It's intense.  The F15 was phenomenal at picking up the slightest amount of product.  This was my first attempt with the brush.  Basically, I applied the blush with the F15, then went over and sheered it out more with a clean Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, and applied another sheer layer of blush with the F15.  I don't think Exhibit A will ever be the subtlest blush, but I thought the results were well suited for my fair skin.  Gives that story book blushing princess kind of vibe.

I have a feeling having the F15 in my collection will certainly help me get better use out of my ultra pigmented blushes.  However, the $23 price tag is no bargain, so I would recommend thinking twice before purchasing. Now I'm off to sushi with friends and then it's back to work tomorrow.  Sigh.

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