Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Welcome, Welcome!

Welcome to my new blog!  I am actually really excited to start this, and I hope I can share a bit of my daily beauty thoughts with you.  I am currently a 20 yr old college student studying engineering on the east coast.  I first got into beauty when I was in early high school as a way to cope with low self esteem.  Now,  I am not advocating beauty and a solution to poor self image.  But beauty can change the way you think and see yourself, so I want to share my success story with you.

I do everything beauty related from coloring and cutting my hair to applying daily makeup.  I mostly want to blog to share reviews and swatches of products, since that is what I rely on beauty blogs for too.  I also want to share with you my beauty regiments, and how they have changed my self image and life for the better.

My favorite beauty products are lipsticks, particularly reds.  As far as hair care, I am always searching for good conditioning treatments and serums.  I guess those are my specialties.  This blog won't feature much high end skin care or foundations, since those aren't really my thing.  Lastly, I am only a college student so (hopefully) a majority of these products will be very affordable.  However sometimes a girl has got to splurge!

I'm in the middle of finals now, but I will be returning shortly with real posts.  Until then,

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